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Tuesday, 27 March 2012

How to Deal with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

   Human health usually comes from balance energy level, since we are living in reality modern world, it is hard to keep everything in smooth balance, such as job, family, financial pressures, or some kind hard daily basis, stress out and depression are reaction of biologically changes to the mood degree. People experienced as sleep disorder, easy tiredness, headache, exhausted, upset stomach, low appetite or irritability when they are under stress.

   Commonly we have understanding that stress is related to Adrenaline level. The adrenaline coming from adrenal glands was designed to give extra energy to boost up our body. In traditional Chinese Medicine, stress, emotions and physical health are closely connected. Mood levels depend on liver functions to a greater degree, which is support by kidney.

   Collapse of stress may load on heart, blood vessels, lungs, liver, muscle system, nerves system, and auto immune system, may affect many organs or body function. In order to deal with stress, I encourage you to develop a positive thought, such as positive thinking and positive image on the subconscious mind, even smile to yourself is good way to start release the depression.  Looking for a Chinese Medicine treatment is another way to have fewer side effects and have more efficient address the stress away from your life.

                                                                               Ann Sun 
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